Are human penises different than animal penises?

I woke up this morning with a unique question. It was question that made me laugh to myself hysterically. It also was very thought provoking and proved to be interesting enough to look into further detail. I posed this question to a veterinarian friend, who seemed uniquely qualified to answer it.
I need your opinion on something. It is important. How are human dicks different than animal dicks?
For example, I heard that dolphins and maybe one other mammal has sex for pleasure, besides humans. Is that true?
Nope.  Sorry to break the news to you, but dicks are dicks.  Every mammal gets one for sex and pleasure.  Some of them look weird (like the sugar glider), but the basic mammalian pattern remains the same :)
“This answer is disappointing and all too cavalier”, I thought to myself. Especially when you take into account the photo that he had sent me a few weeks prior. It’s a photo of a sugar glider dick. Apparently, there was some kind of medical issue and my veterinarian friend had to perform surgery.  This, however, is how a sugar glider dick looks.
Not quite satisfied with the answer, I took to a real profession. I former member of the 4H in her state, who was awarded as runner for “Ms. Queen of Beef”. She illustrated to me that a pig phallus was significantly different that a human one. See below.
Animal wieners are gross.
Hero Worship
This leads me to the real point of this post. I’m trying to make a point a subject that Tim Ferriss calls “hero worship”. You see, Tim is always on the lookout for how he can become word class at things he enjoys. He defines world class as the top 5%. As a reference, he would put Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps in the top .001%. Top 5% may be something like the strongest person in YOUR gym.
The reason you can’t necessary take advice from these extraordinarily high achievers like Michael Phelps, is the same reason a veterinarian may think human penises are similar to animal penises.
From Tim Ferriss
1.The top 1% often succeed despite how they train, not because of it. Superior genetics, or a luxurious full-time schedule make up for a lot.
2.Career specialist can’t externalize what they have internalized. Second nature is hard to teach.
Essentially, if you are too close to the action, it may be more difficult to relate to those who are not. As you take your journey toward the best version of yourself, seek to view things as they are, and practice things that work.
Do not view and practice things according to the “expert”, and in some cases, do the exact opposite.

Sleep in the Nude

Who would've thought this one, but sleeping naked fuels your metabolism.
I was wondering myself if sleeping naked would help a person lose weight. The reasoning I have for thinking this is this. The undergarments that we wear, especially the underwear, it's so very restrictive on what seems likely to be very important organs (perhaps even the penis? needs further study..). So, remove the undergarment. Increase the blood flow. Enhance all functions of the body for eight hours per night.
Seems logical to me. Now when I started looking into it, the fact is that sleep in the nude DOES help you fight infection and lose body fat. The reasoning, however, is a little bit different from mine.
Experts say that the body likes to be about a half degree lower while you sleep. It helps the brain waves do (whatever they need to do while you're sleeping). When you sleep without clothes on, you effective remove one layer of clothing (b/c you'll probably still use a sheet or blanket), and you facilitate the lowering of your body temperature faster and for longer. 
There is an apparent long list of benefits for sleeping in the nude, I did it last night and I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm clock!

Goals are for Losers Part 2

Everyone needs a good system for their life. If you've ever held a job, in a position that was previously held by another person, you know the feeling. When that person had absolutely no system in place, it was quite the heart ache for you to unfuck the disaster. But when that person who came before you had a solid system, And they were able to teach it to you before they left, the transition was sweet as pie.

A good system makes you feel good… Today! Your system can drive you towards higher levels in every area of your life. It's much easier to wrap your head around succeeding today, in your system (today), rather than having some far-off goal that you're always pretending is more important than how you feel now.

I get it. My favorite people espouse goals as well; Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Sean Covey, the list is endless of people, who I love l, that guarantee that goals are the best way to go.

Your system is the anti-goal. You can still use goals, but use them exceedingly sparingly. Be prepared for the goal to stop your energy in any and every area of your life, except for the pursuit of that goal. Meanwhile be conscious of the great capacity for your life to improve with setting in play certain practices and procedures, policies and habits, relationships and boundaries that will all coalesce into your "System". They will essentially push you up against the good life.

Your system will be worth 1000 goals and will also give you the freedom to be energetic and productive today.

Mastery of Perception

Mastery of perception is the mother of the fulfilled life. You see, we think we see things as they are, but we really see things as we are. The way we view the world is really like a pair of glasses that we put on each day. And we decide if we're going to put on the glasses of optimism and hope, or the glasses of negativism and despair.

Marcus Aurelius once said, "remove the complaint of the harm that was done and you remove the harm". If only we would stop complaining about the thing, it would go away. Another person said, "everything you encounter is a mirror". You may choose to see the beauty of God in it, or you may choose to see yourself differently (and that's the one foot view, the point blank, the in your face... bitch). So the perception, and the focal point of our daily lives, becomes what drives how we feel. The sum of how we feel each day determines the quality of our life as a whole.

Most of this is not new news. It is old news, in fact. So, what is the high level 10,000 foot view? How, with a capital H, can we begin to change for the better our perception of the world around us? The number one way we can change our perception of the world around us, in a way that benefits us the most, is to embrace the fact that things in this "life happens FOR us, and not TO us".
I'm not sure where this phrase originated, but I've heard it said by Jim Carrey and Tony Robbins and probably a few others. This is a great starting point by which to frame your entire life. The most beneficial part of this belief is how it recruits all of your faculties to use both transgressions and negative points in your life as well as positive points in your life to create something that is going to benefit you.
If you learn to do this well, it becomes like a superpower.

Goals are for Losers!!! ...Part 1

Scott Adam says goals are for losers! There is a lot of evidence supporting his claim.
You might not recognize Scott Adams by hearing his name or looking at his face. In fact, I'm noticing a trend in a lot of people who do great work. They look like freaking weirdos.
But you would certainly recognize him from reading his work.

With a graduate level degree in business ,I certainly know a lot about goals. I can teach you a lot about goals using the smart system. I can even teach you the formula for making a goal in a way that makes it really easy and effective (courtesy of: The Four Disciplines of Execution).

Here is the format. Create your goals like this.
From x to y, by when.
From 28% margin to 30% margin, by September 31st. 
From 200 pounds to 180 pounds by December 31st. 
Filter your goals through the SMART system.
S- is for specific 
M- is for measurable
A- is for attainable 
R- is for relevant 
T-is for time bound
The literature on how to make this process work is endless, as are the "gurus", seminars, workshops, and meat beatings. However, let me just illuminate the fact that this process really doesn't work, at least not the way you would hope it would. Here is why:
  1. Goals don't work because they make you feel in adequate in the moment, like what you are or what you have is not enough right now. It eliminates the possibility of being successful on the day that matters 
  2. The achievement of the goal a misnomer at most and elusive at best. As soon as you achieve the goal you are looking for the next best thing. Never ending chasm separating you from fulfillment.
Wouldn't be easier to set up a process that allows you to win every day?
Ezra pound said, "only emotion endures". So, if we measure the quality of our today using emotional capital,we would rather not wait until a goal has been attained.  We may decide that we would rather be successful each and every day.

Starting Something New

So if you've never seen Seth Godin, he is a funky looking dude with usually some bright ass yellow or otherwise colorful glasses on. He is also a bit of a genius, who would rather say that we all have genius within us, than to admit to his own.
He is also a dude who has a lot of interesting and cool thoughts on a number of different subjects. The thing that caught my attention about Seth is when he was talking about trying something new. Seth says "trying is the opposite of hiding". 

I feel like Seth's entire volumes of work all kind of revolve around one principle, which is just trying a number of different things, until something works. The problem is that many people, myself included, feel like trying something needs to have a reward at the end..some reward that is, at very least, equal to the effort we put into it. Seth would say that this is not always the case exactly. Seth would say that success is not a straight line in fact, "success is never a straight line".

He was on the show today, Chase Jarvis live. And Chase had said that at times in his creative career he had thought thoughts like "what would happen if this doesn't turn out well?" (referring to a piece of art he was working on).  Chase then went on to explain that that thought pattern in and of itself is destructive for an artist.

I think with Chase Jarvis and Seth Godin are both trying to absolve themselves of is that the business mentality of X plus Y equals Z. I am a business major myself. I work for a large bureaucracy as well. I know how important goals are. I know how important not wasting time and energy is. I know how important certain initiatives can be, because of the outcomes that they will produce.

However, Seth and Chase are talking about our own personal lives, and furthermore our ventures as entrepreneurs. In the pursuit of these adventures, it is important to go out and experience and do things and try things that are different and new.

On his interview on Chase Jarvis live, linked below, Seth gave what I think is the best example of this using a bowling metaphor. He said if you had unlimited games of bowling you would want to go out and you would try different types of throws to experiment to see which throws work best for you and knocked down the most pins. If you only had a limited the number of games or a limited amount of resources, you wouldn't be that creative. You would probably throw in a straight line every time using the most predicted method of success. 
Chases interview with Seth Godin:
In this world the resources for being, a photographer for example, our nearly unlimited to those of us who live in developed nations. Therefore, there is no reason to not go out and try a bunch of new things and see what sticks. The only reason that might hold us back, the only thing that might hold us back, is fear of what others might think and fear that we may be wasting our own valuable time.