Physical Health- Sleep

Sleep Facts

·     - Sleep is vital to our mood, memory, learning functions, health, weight, and energy levels.
·      -Studies link diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression to insufficient and poor quality sleep.
·      -Twenty percent of car crashes involve drowsy drivers.
·      -Too much sleep can be as bad as too little sleep.
·      -While there is no magic number, most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night to maintain optimal health.
·      -Lack of sleep is proven to drive hormones that cause greater appetite and less satisfaction from food.
·      -Adequate sleep aids the immune system in fighting disease.
·      -Sleep is as important to a healthy lifestyle as exercise and nutrition.
·      -Signs that you are not getting enough sleep include falling asleep within 10 minutes of going to bed; and hitting the snooze button more than twice.

Tips for Getting More/Better Sleep

·      -Decide when you will go to sleep and when you will wake up.
·     - Make a mental list of what absolutely must be done each night before bedtime and how long it will take. Set an alarm to remind yourself to start on this routine at the same time each night.
·      -Wind down with 30 minutes of reading before hitting the sack.
·      -Sleeping on your left side puts your stomach a little lower than your esophagus to help prevent acid reflux.
·      -Exercise in the morning or afternoon to increase the restfulness of your sleep.
·     - Remove noise and light from the equation.

What are your better sleep tips?

 Webmd, Mayo Clinic, Sleep Foundation, Men’s Fitness.

-Strength of GIF

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