Exercise Humor Like a Muscle

Steve Carell put it best in the movie The 40-year-old Virgin, when he said "is it true, that if you don't use it you lose it?". (wiener reference)

I love Steve Carell's work, which brings me to the subject of this post. It's important to have comedic geniuses in your entertainment feed. Your sense of humor is like a muscle. If you don't use it you lose it. But you can get it back, it just takes regular exercise. 

Just like exercise, short and intense is sometimes better. May I introduce, key and peel? They have about 100 gazillion skits on YouTube that are free and hilarious and around 5 minutes each. when life gets too serious, I'll turn to them. 

Check out the "competition in the workplace" skit. This is awesomeness!

Who you turn to is up to you, just follow the rules of exercise:

  1. Do no harm! The idea is to enhance you wit and your character. Choose some humor that is not actually degrading your character. 
  2. Consistency. Engage with humor regularly. You have to spend some time with it for it to become a part of you.
Good humor humor not only makes up for where people lack in a lot of different areas, (think ugly guy/hot girl... But he's funny). it also makes a complete person.View building and developing your humor not as a "extra", but as a necessity.

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