Watch "I'm not your guru" on Netflix

I have been a fan of Tony Robbins since 2006. When I came back from Iraq in 2006, I bought and read his book Unlimited Power. It was my first introduction of any kind to self development literature, and it was a mind blower. It was a turning point.

I have been following Tony ever since, and I've always wanted to go to one of his seminars. I even consider sneeking into one at one point!

The reason I am thinking or writing about Tony Robbins in the first place is because there's a new documentary out about a seminar he does once a year in the United States called "date with destiny". The documentary is called "I am not your guru".

I highly recommend it, especially if you are ready for a good cry.

My primary Takeaway was owning the fact that all of the negative circumstances from the past have actually happened to me for my own benefit. Gosh that sounds stupid to say, but if you watch the intervention with the girl who is blaming her father it will really open your eyes to the sky.

Tony helps this woman realize that her drug addicted father actually served her to become the strong woman that she was. She was now to let go of blaming and start thanking him for the woman that he made her. It sounds fucking ridiculous, I know, but it is so touching and it really is true.

It reached me to the point that I am greatful for all of the negative circumstances that I have ever had to endure. I have even gone so far as to search my past for bad stuff, and prove to myself that it actually made me the amazing man I am today.

Everything in life happens FOR us. I am beginning to internalize this mantra more with contemplation and reason.

I'm not your guru! Watch it. 

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